Yokoyama Yui's G+ (2013.11.14 ~ 01.00 JST)
"Four years ago on 11/14, we, the 9th generation debuted,
so we held a 9th generation meeting〜(^^)
Suzuran and Mariko were absent.
Please take care of us, the 9th generation members, in our fifth year as well☆
It's great to have members of the same generation!"
Nagao Mariya's twitter (2013.11.14, ~ 10.00 JST)
今日でAKB48 9期生デビュー4周年(^o^)
Today is the 4th anniversary of the 9th generation's debut(^o^)
The path we are aiming for is different for everybody,
but I want to raise our profile and achieve our aims by continuing to work together
Oba Mina, Shimazaki Haruka, Shimada Haruka, Takeuchi Miyu, Nakamura Mariko, Nagao Mariya, Yamauchi Suzuran, Yokoyama Yui
Takeuchi Miyu's twitter (2013.11.14):
今日は私たち9期が4年前にデビューした日です 4周年。
Good morning
Four years ago, it was the day on which we, the 9th generation, had our debut.
It is an important day for us.
Yesterday we had a 9th generation meeting
Suzuran and Mariko were not able to come, but I hope they can come to the next meeting♪
Shimada Haruka's G+ (2013.11.14):
Today is the 4th anniversary of our debut(^^)
Oba Mina, Shimazaki Haruka, Shimada Haruka, Takeuchi Miyu, Nagao Mariya, Nakamura Mariko, Yamauchi Suzuran, Yokoyama Yui
Together, We'll give it our best (^^)
Nagao Mirai
(+Shimada, +Minarun, +Paruru, +Miyuchan, +NGO, +Komariko, +Suzuchan, +Yuihan)
"The bond of the 9th generation is eternal(^o-)[star]
I am looking forward to everyone's future activities and will continue to support you.\(^o^)/♡♡♡
From now on as well, yoroshiku desu."
Oba Mina's G+ (2013.11.14):
Today is the 4th anniversary of the AKB48 9th generation(^^)♡
After all, members of the same generation are the most important people.
From now on as well, each of the 8 of us will do our best!
Please continue to support us(^^)
Nakamura Mariko: Ah
Nakamura Mariko: Ah
Nakamura Mariko: Ah
Nakamura Mariko: Mi
Nakamura Mariko: na
Nakamura Mariko: ru
Nakamura Mariko: n
Nakamura Mariko: I want this photo!
Oba Mina: この写真作るの大変やった笑
Making this photo was a tough job (laugh)
Oba Mina: この写真はね、今みんなががんばってる姿を表したかったの
Well, this picture is was supposed to show how everyone is giving their best at work.
Oba Mina: 鈴蘭はゴルフ、やぎはモデル、私は兼任、みゆはピアノ、島田はバラエティ、ゆいはキャプテン、ぱるはセンター、麻里子は司会
Suzuran in golfing, Yagi in modeling, me as a concurrent member, Miyu on the piano, Shimada at variety, Yui as a captain, Paru as a center, Mariko as moderator.
Oba Mina: みんなそれぞれ違うことしてるけど本当にがんばろうって昨日なったから(^^)
Everyone is doing different things, but doing their best(^^)
Oba Mina's yumemoba (2013.11.14):
"Today is the 4th anniversary of our debut.
That's right, the anniversary of the 9th generation.
I can't believe it has been 4 years already...
Recently, Paruru said to me [That (little) Miyu is already a university student!]
That's right, looking back, we have grown so much already.
Yesterday, everyone from the 9th generation went out to eat(*^^*)
Sadly, Mariko and Suzuran were absent(´・ω・`)
But we made plans to gather everyone and watch an old DVD of our lessons together and review our artistic abilities! (laugh)
I'm looking forward to it♪
Today, we had a Team K II Kouen!
It's been a long time, I had a lot of tasks to fulfill
it was really fun(*^_^*)
Well then, please take care the me, who will jump right into her 5th year.
P/S Credit Oscarwilde from Stage48
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