Guide to Hand Signs used at Team B Performances
1. that everyone's dreams come true! AKB team B! (what they say right before the song Shonichi)
2. Everything is all good, Paruru's been all charged up.
3. Since the song is Tanpopo no Kesshin, I'll light up my yellow glowstick
4. Kimi no! koto ga! suki dakara!
5. tachiagatte yo~ my heeeroooo (from Seigi no Mikata janai Hero)
6. I guess there aren't any backdancers in Jewel this time...
7. Suzuran is talking in the MC!!
8. It's Dakishimeraretara, so for starters, I guess I will do kecha
9. Even though Wakanyan is looking at the camera here, won't they cut another member (already)?
10. Komariko has started to do monomane. I can relax for a minute.
11. Oba snapped at Kashiwagi!
12. Are they teasing me by saying I am a grandma again?
Nakamura Mariko's twitter (2014.04.15):
What is that! How awesome!
@faifai_mocchi_: @marikorima1216 I made a team B version of the hand signs (meme) that are popular right now~!”
@faifai_mocchi_: @marikorima1216 こまりこ~今流行りのハンドサインをチームBバージョンで作ってみたよ~!”
Shimazaki Haruka's yumemoba (2014.04.18):
Among the fans handsigns are popular?
I saw the one made for team B, will we use them on Senshuuraku?
Everything is all right, my battery is fully charged
that's what it means.
credit oscarwilde48
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