[Mobile Mail] Shimazaki Haruka 2014.01.18 11:34:19
Happy report
The kimono that I wore in the coming-of-age ceremony.
It seems there are a lot of people make a reservation.
The kimono shop called furifu. Furifu.
The hair ornament is only a ribbon ties to the string.
I’m happy the designer and the shop staff are pleased.
It’s great.
I have a photoshooting and rehearsal today.
Since it seemed the dance becomes more powerful when people wear this jersery, so I put it on. I try the appearance. 24!!
[Mobile Mail] Shimazaki Haruka 2014.01.17 22:27:22
Music Station
The hair ties in ribbon.
The eyelashes are blue.
I wear the eyelashes blue for myboom.
(T/N: Myboom means what I love (things or to do))

ParuKii in Monthly AKB48 Group Newspaper January issue
A little part of ParuKii interview in Monthly AKB48 Group Newspaper January issue which is released on January 17.
Interviewer: “When Milky cut her hair, Paruru said something like “The hair doesn’t suit you”“
Milky: “She said that almost everyday. “It’s better if you attached hair extension” she said”
Paruru: “Because the longer one is pretty”
Milky: “I wonder if I look better in long hair, I wonder if it will be fun if I cut my hair a little bit shorter”
Milky: “Everyone, are you aware of Paruru’s salty response?
To be honest, Paruru is a person who take something too seriously. She says something like, “It will be hurt if I say this” to other people, she is attentive inside out. Right, Paruru?
Paruru: “… You don’t need to say that (bitter smile)”
Milky: “Hey, Paruru is kind, you know. And then, I think she have a thing for each of the words that she said.”
Paruru: “I also don’t want to be too open, but surely there is such a part of me. But when I speak of something (like an excuse) I may be misunderstood. Therefore, I kept it only to myself”
PaYuyu in Monthly AKB48 Group Newspaper January issue
A little part of PaYuyu interview and a little about Mayuyu
thoughts on Paruru in Monthly AKB48 Group Newspaper January issue which
was released on January 17.
Interviewer: “On the cover of a certain magazine, Mayuyu was touching Paruru’s butt.”
Paruru: “It’s true!! Mayu-san. She touched my butt!”
Mayuyu: “Eh? My hand!? Eeh, it’s a lie~.”
Paruru: “Now you caught our relationship (grins)”
Mayuyu: “Nonono, don’t take it wrongly (laughs)”
Interviewer: “Paruru’s hobby is.”
Paruru: “I don’t have any. Same as Milky. Sleep. Eat.”
Interviewer: “Milky from Paruru’s view.”
Paruru: “Eh~. I haven’t thought of it at all.”
Interviewer: “When I observed Paruru in such as MC during the
theater performance, you seemed to be silent sometimes in order not
to interfere other people’s conversation.”
Paruru: “Even though I don’t want to reveal too much, but surely there is such a part of me.
However, I may be misunderstood when I speak of something (like an excuse). Therefore, I kept it only to myself”
Mayuyu: “Paruru has the salt character that is not owned by a conventional idol and I think it’s amazing that she is having been established so far. It is really an open attitude. I think it’s expanded the width of AKB48 once again.”
Interviewer: “Mayuyu-san who likes idol, what do you think of the salt response like Paruru-san’s.”
Mayuyu: “Indeed I’m worried about her existence. Even though she is not only salty, but I’m very attracted to this child who brings a little different air to the surroundings. When you get to used to Paruru for one day, then you would like to enjoy the salty reaction for the entire day (laugh)
AKB Challenge You Can! 2014 TVCM
Paruru: “It’s true!! Mayu-san. She touched my butt!”
Mayuyu: “Eh? My hand!? Eeh, it’s a lie~.”
Paruru: “Now you caught our relationship (grins)”
Mayuyu: “Nonono, don’t take it wrongly (laughs)”
Paruru: “I don’t have any. Same as Milky. Sleep. Eat.”
Paruru: “Eh~. I haven’t thought of it at all.”
Paruru: “Even though I don’t want to reveal too much, but surely there is such a part of me.
However, I may be misunderstood when I speak of something (like an excuse). Therefore, I kept it only to myself”
Mayuyu: “Paruru has the salt character that is not owned by a conventional idol and I think it’s amazing that she is having been established so far. It is really an open attitude. I think it’s expanded the width of AKB48 once again.”
Mayuyu: “Indeed I’m worried about her existence. Even though she is not only salty, but I’m very attracted to this child who brings a little different air to the surroundings. When you get to used to Paruru for one day, then you would like to enjoy the salty reaction for the entire day (laugh)
AKB Challenge You Can! 2014 TVCM
credit girl48tumblr,,
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